There's a reason why...

Preferred supplier

Nurse at Call is a Preferred Supplier for the Australian Health Services of NSW, QLD, Christmas Island, Cocos Keeling Islands and several health services in WA.  This means that we are likely to have a position that will suit you ‘down to the ground’.

It also means that we meet stringent guidelines & have active controls or processes for caring for our nurses and midwives.

We actively support our nursing staff while on contract, making regular contact whether by phone, email or SMS to ensure that you are ok. And if there is an incident or an issue, we will assist you in finding a suitable resolution of the concern.

And we understand the importance of family, so we will ensure that you have suitable communication to keep in touch with them all.


With so many beautiful locations in Australia, it tends to bring out the shutterbug in us all. We would love to see the snaps you have taken whilst on assignment “down under”!